Le barbecue et le camping, la paire indissociable

Barbecue and camping, inseparable activities

Why have a portable barbecue while having a picnic during your campervan trip? 

Travelling is something pleasant for some and something tedious for others. In any case, there is nothing more enjoyable for everyone than taking a break and relax. Perhaps not more than reaching your destination though...

When you are travelling with a campervan, room is obviously limited and every piece of equipment should be functional and should not take up unnecessary space. That's why our portable barbecues are the perfect item to take on with you since you can easily make use of it to take a break while admiring the nature and enjoying grilled meat, without it being an encumbrance. 

Easy to set up and turn on while not taking up unnecessary space due to their foldable nature, our barbecues will adapt perfectly to your room and your desires, and will allow to enjoy en effortless and relaxing outdoor picnic during your trip. Depending on where you're located, it can sometimes be really difficult to find appropriate shops or restaurants, especially after long hours of driving. Therefore, we thought of you by developing 3 types of barbecues of different sizes and shapes. 


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